Greer Lecture in Latin American History

The Harold and Laura Greer Lecture in Latin American History is made possible through the generous support of Harold and Laura Greer. Dr. Harold Greer is one of the first members of the VCU Department of History. He and Laura have traveled extensively throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

The goal of the lecture is to spotlight emerging scholarship in the field while also bringing notable scholars to campus. Typically held in the fall semester, it is presented annually to the VCU and Richmond community and is paired with a classroom visit if possible. This lecture underscores the importance of historical trends in shaping contemporary understandings in the U.S. of Latin America, the Latinx community and the Chicanx community.

Recent Lecture

On September 26, 2023 we heard from Manuella Meyer, Ph.D. of the University of Richmond. Meyer is an associate professor of history specializing in Brazilian history.  The topic of her lecture, “Psychoanalyzing the Possessed: Spirits of the Dead in Early Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,” provided attendees with an educational exploration about early psychiatry and spiritism in Rio during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Visit the archives to view Greer lecture speakers and topics from the past.